Developing Written Assignments That Prompt Maximum Performance

 Much has been written--and much said--about the necessity for teachers to model their thinking and learning processes for his or her students. In virtually every case, the teachers being mentioned are classroom teachers at the elementary or lyceum level. While teaching at the university level isn't an equivalent as teaching elementary, middle, or highschool level, the necessity to model thinking and learning processes is present altogether the aim of this text is to explore the notion of teacher educators modeling their thinking and learning processes (and products) for his or her students by completing an equivalent assignments as they ask their students to try to to .

There are both philosophical and pragmatic reasons for teacher educators to finish their own assignments. These include, but aren't limited to the following: the school classroom becomes a community of learners, it adds to the school professor's credibility, doing so gives the professor a way of what's expected, adds to the mutual respect between students and professor, actions speak louder than words, students can't say, "Well, I didn't know what to try to to ," it lets professors know we "can still roll in the hay ," gives us something to speak from, we will speak with more conviction.

Community of Learners

Whenever teacher educators "do" the assignments that they ask of their students, they're learning and experiencing through the method even as they intend their students to try to to . And, if they are doing not, then the assignment may have to be re-designed. once they share their experiences with completing the assignment--the thinking, learning, struggling, the realizations, then on--with their students because the students share their experiences with one another and therefore the instructor, everyone has the chance to share from a standard experiential base. If the teacher has not completed the assignment, then s/he is unable to participate on an equivalent level because the students--and whether the extent is perceived by students as being "higher" or "lower" than the one on which they're operating is irrelevant; it's different--they aren't all members of an equivalent community.

The current literature reflects the necessity for teachers and students to make communities of learners. for several pre-service and in-service teachers, this idea is one that sounds good in theory, but the practice part is troublesome--because it's not a model that they need seen. Teacher educators who espouse this notion of a community of learners offer their students a chance to witness its implementation and to be a neighborhood of it--from the students' perspective. once they experience the difference of being a part of a community of learners and realize the difference in learning that emanates from such a classroom, they're more likely to strive for this in their own classrooms.

Enhances Credibility

Incorrect because the perception could also be , college professors are perceived as lacking credibility with their students. The pejorative adage, "Those who can, do; those that can't, teach; those that can't teach, teach during a college of education," is one among the foremost painful statements I ever hear thrown around. And, it's something I plan to disprove each and each time I enter a classroom. Since many of the pre-service courses I even have taught have a practicum component, a number of my students' assignments involve planning and teaching lessons and mini-lessons.

In an effort to supply demonstrations to my students, I planned and taught lessons and mini-lessons to my adult students, but also, to children of the age level that they're going to be working with in their practicum settings. These are videotaped for viewing within the college classroom. My stock goes up a touch with my students once they see me ahead of a classroom of children--and my credibility is enhanced once they see me effectively implement the ideas that i'm asking them to undertake also as when the lesson doesn't go "perfectly" (whatever that is). Of course, I always admit the difficulty I had, and take suggestions about how it'd are more successful.If you need cheap assignment writing service for your assignmentwriting you can always ask assignment writing services to get best assignment writers for your perfect assignment writing.


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